
About the Bookstore

Where is the Clarkson College bookstore?
PG电子APP书店是在线的,没有实体店. The online bookstore is operated by BNC (Barnes & Noble College) which bought MBS Direct. 学生可以通过BNC和MBS Direct进行交流.

What is the website for the new online bookstore?

Where can I buy Clarkson College spirit wear?
Clarkson College t-shirts, hats, bags, etc. can be found through our online Marketplace, 你也可以在校园学生中心的市场上找到有限的装备选择.

Do I need to create an account to buy books?
Yes, 第一次使用PG电子APP书店时,您需要创建一个书店帐户. Your account is where you can track your order, view your order history, submit returns, return rental books, and sell back your books.

Books & Financial Aid

What is a bookstore voucher?
书店代金券允许你使用经济援助资金来支付你的书费. 你可以使用可用的财政援助资金,而不是用信用卡或借记卡支付. 您的费用将被发送到PG电子APP,并应用到您的学生账户.

Does everyone get a voucher?
No. 在支付所有学杂费后,你必须有可用的经济援助资金. 如果您符合条件,您将通过电子邮件收到代金券.

How can I use the voucher?
Access the online bookstore at, click on Bookstore Voucher, enter your student ID and Voucher ID, and follow the steps on the screens.

你应该拨打800客户服务热线.325.3252. 如果他们不能回答你的问题或解决问题, 他们会指引你去PG电子APP找可以帮助你的人.

Why did I not get a voucher email?
你没有收到使用代金券的电子邮件,因为你没有申请经济援助和/或你的经济援助不足以支付你所有的学费和费用. 如果你认为你应该收到一份,请联系你的经济援助顾问.

Financial Aid Office
[email protected]

Can I get more money for books?
如果你已经支付了优惠券的全部金额,你需要购买更多的书, 你应该联系你的财务援助顾问,以确定是否有额外的资金可用.

Yes, 如果你的代金券不够用,你可以用信用卡来支付书店费用的余额.

Is this voucher a scam?
No, it’s not a scam. 这家新的网上书店会向所有拥有超过学杂费的经济援助资金的学生发送有关代金券的电子邮件. The online bookstore is operated by BNC (Barnes & Noble College) which bought MBS Direct. 您将收到一封来自“BNC服务”的电子邮件,电子邮件地址为“[email protected],这是一封合法的电子邮件,其中包含如何使用书店代金券的信息.

Does this mean I get free books?
No, it doesn’t mean free books. Your books are being paid with your financial aid. 这张代金券允许你在网上书店购买书籍,而不用信用卡支付,费用将应用到你在PG电子APP的学生账户中.

What does this do to my financial aid refund?


Example: if you were going to get a $1,从你的经济资助中退了000美元,你在书店要收600美元, then your refund will be $400.  

学生应直接与学生帐户协调 [email protected].