国家授权 & Professional Licensure Information

州授权是高等教育法中一个长期存在的要求,它要求机构在其所在的州获得授权,作为有资格获得第四章联邦学生经济援助的条件. PG电子APP是美国国家授权互惠协议委员会(NC-SARA) which Nebraska is a member, under the direction of the Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary 教育.

PG电子APP和它的教育课程是由高等教育委员会认可的. 另外, 我们的毕业生可以在成功完成学位后参加国家执照委员会的考试和认证. 然而, because state licensure requirements vary by state, PG电子APP is unable to ascertain licensure requirements in every state. 这取决于学生个人是否了解并遵守学生选择居住的州的执照要求,并获得执照和就业.

As a member of NC-SARA and other state authorizations, PG电子APP is currently authorized to offer online education in all 50 states, 联邦, 和地区. 然而, NC-SARA does not cover professional licensure. Based on the professional licensure guidelines, specific programs 可能不被允许 to offer education or educational experiences in certain states. For all programs that lead to a professional license/certification, 我们强烈建议您在开始课程之前联系您居住的州或您打算工作的州的相应州许可机构,以寻求有关州许可要求的最新信息.

国家授权 and Professional Licensure Document -下载网址: PDF.

PG电子APP提供的所有专业执照课程都是为了满足内布拉斯加州和所有认证机构推荐执照/认证候选人的要求而设计的. 希望在内布拉斯加州以外的州实习的学生可能会或可能不会有额外的要求,在他们选择的州申请许可证之前完成. 看到 国家授权 and Professional Licensure Document above for specific State by State authorization requirements, professional licensure, and contact information by program for each state. 我们在几十个州获得了授权,并对未来扩大业务范围持乐观态度. Please be aware that state board authorization is a fluid situation that is subject to change. 如果你居住在PG电子APP的项目没有被授权提供项目的州,并希望申请, 请致电402-552-3100与我们联系,并要求在完成申请流程之前与您感兴趣的项目主任交谈.


包含“体验式学习”的课程和项目被认为是远程教育. 在NC-SARA, an ‘experiential learning’ experience means the student reports directly to a supervisor, 导师, faculty member or other qualified professional, located in the host state, 谁对学生就读的院校负有直接或间接的报告责任, whether or not credit is granted. Examples of ‘experiential learning’ experiences include clinicals, 校外实习, 实地考察, 实习, 实习, 诸如此类. 这些可能需要犯罪背景调查,指纹,和/或药物测试之前安置. Due to individual and/or state requirements, approval must be clarified prior to attending. Students with a criminal background or felony conviction may not be able to secure a placement. 未能完成所需的体验式学习将阻碍成功完成项目.

个别州的法规也可能禁止那些有犯罪背景的人获得专业执照,或者使学生没有资格参加执照或认证考试. Please contact the Academic Program or (电子邮件保护)  


PG电子APP被授权提供在线课程的州居住期间开始在线课程的现有和潜在学生需要意识到,搬到学院没有被授权提供该课程的州可能会产生负面后果. While the College attempts to obtain authorization everywhere students live, 搬到一个未被授权的州可能会导致学生失去某些形式的经济援助的资格和/或无法完成学术课程. 任何考虑搬迁的学生都应该联系他们的项目主管,了解有关授权和执照资格要求的更多信息.

International Applicants Information

PG电子APP works to provide global access to its online degree and certificate programs. We will carefully track issues related to international authorization and licensure, 但学生有责任了解在线学位或证书在美国以外的国家是否被认可的相关要求, how the collection of student data may be used in another country, and whether withholding taxes (in addition to the price of tuition) will apply.

Some countries may not formally recognize foreign online degrees and certificates, which may have implications for students who later seek to enroll in other educational programs, 或者为那些在该国政府或其他需要特定证书的雇主那里寻找工作的人.

If you’re considering enrolling in an online program that leads to a professional license, 联系您居住国或您打算工作的国家的相关专业许可委员会,以确定PG电子APP的在线学位或证书是否会被认可.

消费者信息 Disclosures and 公众的抱怨 Processes


美国.S Department of 教育

美国.S. 教育部要求我们提供其他州的联系人如果你有问题可以联系他们. The list provides contact information for all 50 states, Commonwealths and Territories.
